Sunday, 24 July 2011

My 20th Award

hello all! I just got one award from kak Echa. waa, I was so happy >.<
It's my first award since my long absence from blogging activity.
This is it:

1) Make a post contain with:

* Say thank you to someone who give you this award
* Write about someone who give you this award
* Write about yourself
* There's a banner award and code
* Give this award to your 9 blogger-friends (blogends)
* Don't forget to leave a messages in their chatbox

2) Use this banner award on your blog sidebar, without change banner's code.

Thank you so much Kak Echa for the award. I really really appreciate it :) Wish you luck!

I don't really know about her, since we know each other in internet. But from her posts, I know she's smart and friendly. Once again, thanks sis!

Me? I can't describe about myself, but one thing you have to know about me is I'm very lazy. Yep, I'm a lazy girl. But if there's something I want, I'll chase after it with all of my own. Sometimes, I look so calm, but another time, you see me as a crazy and out minded girl. But overall, I'm just an ordinary girl, with extraordinary life Allah gives to me.

And I would like to send this award to:
1. Kak Renita at
2. Nada Wahyu Salsabila at
3. Nechan at
4. Palupi Sekar at
5. Chacan at
6. Ditha's Story at
7. Faril at
8. Hime-chan at
9. Illa Fukuyo at

 Time to walking around and spread this award~~~~

LovaPeace :*


  1. waaah manteep nih awardny...
    selamat ya...

  2. ayaaa... makasih yaa udah nge-tag.. btw langsung copy aja ya gambar sama pertanyaannya??
    domo ^w^

  3. @caesar:
    yap, thanks.. maaf yah kamu nggak masuk daftar yang mendapat award dari aku..:( siapa tau kamu dapet dari yang lain :D

    douitashimashite :D yup, langsung copy aja ^^

  4. makasih banyak ya award buat aku...


Your comment is my pleasure. But please keep your word "save" for the readers :D