Thursday, 26 December 2013

My 23rd Award - Versatile Blogger

Hi fellas!
I've been ignoring my blog for such a long time, because I have plenty things to do which leave me no time to write on my blog. I feel so guilty about it and that's why when I blogwalked and found that Ningrum Daud gave me this award, I was so surprised!
Thank you so much for the award, girl! You rock!! :D

Here's the rules of the award!
1.   Nominate 15 fellow bloggers
2.   Let the nominated bloggers know that they have been nominated for this award.
3.   Share 7 random facts about yourself.
4.    Thank the blogger who has nominated you.
5.    Add the Versatile Blogger Award to your post.

Rule #4:
Once again, I don't know how to express my gratitude except by saying: Thank you very much! You made me feel like I'm still a blogger even though I've been hiatus for quiet bit of time by now.

Rule #5:

Rule #1
This, I think, is the hardest part in executing the rule.Why? Because I don't if the blog I will give the award is still exist or not. I have to go through all the link I know to do so. But you know what? I like it when I go through my friends' blog. because that way, I can check whether they still alive or not :D
here they are!

Rule #3:
7 Random Facts about myself? hmm...

1. I love eating salak from bottom to top.
2. I can't eat roasted marshmallow without having white sticky marshmallow all over my mouth.
3. I think Eagle and Lion are very handsome!
4. I love sleeping on the recliner than on the bed.
5. When I don't like a book, I can just leave it unfinished in the middle, but when I like it, it only takes me few hours to finish the whole book.
6. Planning not to leave U.S. without getting to see and touch and play with snow.
7. I know a movie is a good movie when I don't fall asleep in the middle.


Okay guys, now I need to go around and bring people good news (of having award xixixi)!
Merry Christmas!!

and Happy New Year ;)

LovaPeace :*


  1. wow I got this award too and you hasn't told me X-D haha thank youuu!!

    skrg agak susah mau komunikasi via blog deh soalnya banyak spam kan ya di board chat nya :((( I'll post this soon tapi berurutan yaah, ada beberapa to-post-list nih! anyway Im really planning to comeback as a blogger heheh <3

  2. I. just. see. your. post.
    I'm sorry. Thank you so much :')))


Your comment is my pleasure. But please keep your word "save" for the readers :D