Thursday 3 February 2011

-untitled post-

It was very hard, you know?
You're not here when I need you
Although I know I'm not that good for you so you have to always stay by my side
But I can't stop myself to wish you were here..

You've been so good to me, and yet I can't do the same to you.
I was so cruel, am I?

But please don't hate me,
I just can't stand to be hate by you..

Sometimes, when you're here,
Its seem you will do anything for me,
You never complain about me that do nothing for you,
You act like I'm the priciest thing that you ever had..

Could you please give me some time to realize myself that I need you?

1 comment:

  1. huuu sedihhh :'( kamu lagi galau ya sayang? hope he feels the same too and needs you as much as you do even more !!! amiinnn ^^ keep cheering ya ayaaa ! hope's he's ur sinichi hehehhe


Your comment is my pleasure. But please keep your word "save" for the readers :D