Monday 27 December 2010

Yui - The Color of Tears

I had a feeling that you're upset with me on the way home
I looked up at the light in the room.. I wonder how you feel right now?
If things turn into an argument you apologize right away
You are weak, deceptive person
The color of tears, on the nights when I can't hear your voice
I want to be so selfish that it will make you suffer..
I tried telling you that I was fine
But can't you tell that there is no way I could be..
I'm used to seing the sad face reflected in the puddle
I know I'm trying to not say the impossible, and that's what makes it harder
When you're nice to me, it's make me cry
In the end, you're weak.. deceptive person
The color of tears, on the nights when I can't hear your voice
I want to be so selfish that it will make you suffer..
I tried telling you that I was fine
But can't you tell that there is no way I could be..
When I'm in front of you, I'm a liar
I want you to realize
It's not like I'm that strong
Even though I decided that I wouldn't cry
It would give you trouble right? I can't be selfish
Are you okay? You ask me again
But can't you tell that there is no way I could be..
(Translation from Namidairo)
Yui - Namidairo


  1. usuL: kalo bisa ditulis lirik versi Jepang,trus terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggris dong,,kalo bisa bahasa Indo juga..

    trus,,ada keterangan maksud dari lirik lagu tersebut bercerita tentang apa gitu..manteb jadinya...hoho

  2. wah kalo langsung denger lagunya pasti asyik

  3. @Faril:
    thanks banget usulnya yaa..kayaknya sih mantep..
    sebenernya versi Jepang lagu ini pernah dimasukin ke blog, tapi udah lama, dan waktu itu njanjiin bakalan ngsih translate englishnya kalo udah nemu. ternyata baru kesampean sekarang hehe.
    wah, itu biar temen2 sendiri saja yang memaknainya,,

    bagus kok lagunya Kak! slow sih, lumayan buat nina bobo..hehe


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